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English UPdate

Hello there, this is my new page to share some things ‘English’ with my you. There are some ideas and links for students, some news items, games. Whatever is on my mind …. things with an English flavour! “Roba da inglesi” insomma!

Autumn Resolutions

Autumn Resolutions

Autumn is for ... leafing through books, collecting falling leaves on country walks and drinking coffee to keep warm... In Italy school has gone back or is going back this week (it depends on where you live). So, if the kids are studying, then adults too should start...

Objects. Things. Stuff. They are all around us.

Objects. Things. Stuff. They are all around us.

Objects. Things. Stuff. They are all around us. Things we use and things we don't use. Things we like and things we care nothing for. Must-haves and things we can do without. For some these objects are part and parcel of their existence, for others they are merely...